Matt Meighan
If your nose runs and your feet smell maybe you're built upside down
And don't get so offended when folks don't want you around
Some of us are better off just a little ways out of town
If your nose runs and your feet smell maybe you're built upside down
If your mind wanders and your eye does too it don't mean you're not all right
Not everyone can concentrate or walk straight toward the light
Some folks need to run around in circles late at night
If your eye wanders and your mind does too it don't mean you're not all right
If you don't know when to shut your trap and you get on people's nerves
If you got way more to talk about than any one man deserves
It doesn't mean you'll have no friends just one of them won't be me
'Cause I like the sound of silence and folks who leave me be
If at first you don't succeed maybe skydiving's not for you
And you better keep on looking for the best thing that you do
Always just remember nobody's just like you
If at first you don’t succeed maybe skydiving's not for you
Copyright © 2002 Matt Meighan All Rights Reserved.